If there is a way to dispute or report invoices then it should be much easier to access, and if there's not then it's a pretty glaring hole in terms of fraud prevention (which scammers are already swarming to take advantage of). Maybe I'm missing some mechanism to deal with this, but as far as I can tell there's no way to deal with / report this obvious scammer, and even though I didn't fall for it that doesn't mean that less internet-savvy folks out there won't. The charged amount will be available within the next 24 to 48 hrs. Any time you receive an email that you are suspicious about, you can always forward it to our security team here: and they can review it.

Despite this apparently being a pretty prevalent problem I can't see any way to report this invoice as fraudulent or to report this PayPal account? If I try to report the transaction via the Resolution Center I get an error that these types of transactions can't be dealt with there. NORTON 360 TOTAL PROTECTION has been renewed & updated successfully. The security of your account and information is a top priority for Intuit. There is also an article about the recent uptick in these specific scams here.

Norton 360 total protection email scam software#
This is obviously a scam, the sender of the invoice is some random guy's name and very much not Norton Security, to say nothing of the fact that I've never bought antivirus software in my life. I recently got an email and phone notification about an invoice from Norton Security.